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Feminism(to me) is more of a joke now. In terms of developed country, anyone that acts as if women are "oppressed" and whatnot need to reconsider their information. Europe and America have given rights to women that most of the world doesn't have. I see no reason why women(and some men) are still complaining.

For instance, women cannot be fired if they are pregnant. They are also allowed months off of work. is this me complaining? No, I understand the pain of pregnancy. What bothers me is that information such as this is ignored when people are talking about the salary of men and women. Women make close to the same amount as men. I kid you not. The wage gap has been debunked so many times to the point where it's laughable. 

Also, it feels as though women want something(even if they didn't work for it) in order to be equal for men. Let me give an example. A small mechanic shop is 70% male and 30% female. Does this mean they're sexist? Perhaps. However, it might be the fact that men and women don't always look for the same careers. How hard is it to understand? If you found a guy who is perfect for the job, would you choose the women(who is inferior in all aspects) in order to have gender equality?


I'd like to give more examples, but it'd be redundant. In summary, women have no reason to still complain about their life. They have been given equality, and additional rights that makes their life extremely easy. It's to the point where they simply care about themselves only.


It'd be funny if they went to a country such as Nigeria. Let their whiny ass see how privileged they are to live in a developed country.


Here's an example of when women get lucky. Examine the article I put above. Not only do they say "having sex" instead of rape, but she was only given 12 GODDAMN MONTHS. If a man touches a woman nowadays, he'll be lucky if he only gets a couple of months.  I mean, are you kidding me? Since she was so sorry, you only give her a year? Imagine what the kid had to go through! This is worse than Bill Cosby!


The worst argument they use is "it isn't my fault if I get raped, even if I am naked in the streets".

well, you are responsible in a way. If a banker leaves the doors to the bank wide open, with the vault unlocked, would it be his fault that someone decided to rob the bank? No, the robber would be thrown in jail for doing so. However, the banker will still be held with responsibility due to the fact that he made himself an open target to criminal activities. 


I don't know, maybe it's just me that holds a grudge against feminism. having a passionate feminist as a family member doesn't make it any easier.  



12/22/2016- Made a bet with Ganoncrotch that the first 6 months of 2017 will be worse than 2016. A poll will be made to determine the winner. Loser has to take a picture of them imitating their profile picture.