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Baryonyx said:
The Window service will not survive at all without the XB1, Simply because PC gamer's loathe Microsoft and Steam is their favorite, i doubt Microsoft will be able to sell software at all except their own games, because then they have to compete against Steam in the Multiplat-area which we all know is a dead end. Microsoft can make money by turning their exclusives multiplat if they abandon the XB brand as a console maker, it will be the same thing that happen with Sega. If Microsoft leaves the console market, they no longer have the need to have exclusives to win a market, but they can enter all of the different market's including PS4, which will actually benefit them a lot in the long run.

I'm not familiar with the PC market but do we know what percentage of PC gamers use Steam?

Around 140m active user's, a very diveded group when it comes to *genres* due for the vast diversity of games, and most of them aren't even interested in the majority of the mainstream games outside of PC,  so basically it's a tough group to convince into the *console-mainstream games* 


PSN: Opticstrike90
Steam: opticstrike90