I actually had a little bit of trouble telling at first in that video (although I did get it right after a bit). Having it side by side like that was a little disorienting for me. However, I can tell when a video is in 60fps. As for games, EVERYONE can tell the difference. Assuming no screen tearing or drops, the difference between 30fps and 60fps when gaming is immense. You can both see and feel the difference. If anyone says they can't tell, then they just don't know what they are looking for.
Now I'm not saying that every game on every system in every circumstance must be 60fps always, but I am tired of people trying to delegitimatize other people's desires for better framerates in games because they think there is no difference, because that simply is not true.
NNID: garretslarrity
Steam: garretslarrity