Food pics make you hungry, eh? Okay, digging those up in a bit, then. I hope you like Vietnamese food! :D
Stockholm has always sounded like such a beautiful place to visit and I want to go there some day. That looks pretty. And cold. I like cold.
Meanwhile, does anyone follow any other photographers? I mostly track fashion photographers, but a lot of the work from the better ones becomes more about creating art than about selling clothes.
Take Tim Walker, for instance. He creates these incredible fantasy worlds just for a single image. Picspam time!
Miles Aldridge uses the most incredible, acid-tinged range of colours.
Camilla Akrans is one of my personal favourites. She works almost exclusively with really muted colours and pops of red that give many of her images a soft, dreamy feel:
Then there's Paolo Roversi. He shoots really long exposures and his shots often feel like they could be photos that were taken 100 years ago, all aged and blurred.