Mummelmann said: I'm excited for it, but I'm hoping that both Bioware and Bethesda will soon rediscover their roots and add more actual RPG to their RPG's, Mass Effect 2 and (especially) 3 were taking a turn for the simpler road, much too simple, it was more or less third person shooting with some RPG elements (much the same happened with Dragon Age). The shooter elements in the first one had issues, but it was more of a thoroughbred RPG; as the sequels fixed the shooting parts, they shed the RPG depth more and more and they never further improved or explored the moral system, sticking with the black & white style of paragon vs renegade, which is less than a franchise with such behemoth ambition and such a rich gallery of characters deserves. I'm hoping for something grand with Andromeda, we certainly know they posses the talent for creating amazing titles. |
Mass Effect 2 sold better than Mass Effect, and ME 3 sold better than 2, so I doubt they'll go back .
I fear we'll have to wait for Cyberpunk 2077 for a true shooter & RPG, and we'll have to see if CD Projekt manages it.
Please excuse my bad English.
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