starcraft said:
JEMC said:
But if they were able to travel to other galaxies, harvest them and then come back in less than 50,000 years, why did they need so long to reach our galaxy? (it's not mentioned, but it's obvious that between the first and the last game, some years have passed, and that ME3 takes place during months if not also years).
After all, as far as we know, mass relays don't go from one galaxy to another, so the Reapers have to do it by themselves.
Fair points, there are a lot of unknowns its true.
But we have no idea how far from the Milky Way the reapers are. They could be some enormous distance, or quite close. It could be that the larger ones can travel enormously fast, but have to wait up for the smaller ones.
Hopefully we'll all know by the end of the year!
I hope that too!
Please excuse my bad English.
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