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Mr Puggsly said:
Swordmasterman said:

No, not even a Single time a Xbox, was Sony's only competitor, only for the Ports of games, and Multiplataform.

Sega Saturn + 64, had 50 Millions of Units agaist Playstation, still had competition, Playstation 2, had 60 Millions of Competition, the Wii, sold more than 100 Millions, Playstation, aways had Competition, Microsoft, is not the "First Competition for Sony".

and Microsoft, is only a competitor on USA, on other countries it did not did nothing.

Is hard to believe that the Wii, sold because of their Exclusives ?, and the Sucessor, did not sold, because the Motion thing, did not had a long life, those kind of games were replaced for games like Call of Duty, League of Legends, in other words, Massive Multiplayer Competitive games.

Xbox One, is selling much worse on Europe, on Japan, Worldwide, and is selling more only on USA, and now with those games releasing on PC, the console will begin to sell less even on the USA.

Microsoft, lost Worldwide market, because of anti-costumer policy, and they are selling on USA, because was where they had the most number of consoles sold, and now is nearly the only place that they sell something.

Nintendo, lost Worldwide market, because the Wii U, was a more expensive, the Wii U, lost Third Party support, and had bad policy about Gaming, like the games being locked on the Console, and not on the Account, Region Lock, and other things.

Xbox is Sony's only real competitor in the hardcore game console market. Nintendo hasn't had a significant core audience since the N64 in my opinion. Again, disagree if you want.

Saturn and N64 sales combined is more like 43 million, not 50. OG Xbox and Gamecube combined was more like 46 million, not 60. Wii had a huge audience but the audience there didn't buy the same software as 360 and PS3 users, which is why core support on Wii died quickly. The Xbox has an audience very similar to Playstation, more than Nintendo and Sega.

Xbox has had success outside of the US. 360 sold 35 million units outside of the US. X1 should surpass 10 million units outside of the US this year. Do a little research buddy.

Again, much of Wii's success came from its gimmick. That's my stance, you don't have to agree.

Yeah, X1 is selling less then its predecessor. But it still has a large and growing audience. Its still a relevant platform. I'm not denying MS made mistakes but they have improved whether you want to admit it or not.

Wii U failed for numerous reasons, we can agree on that.

So the Dream Cast, was not a 6 gen Console ?, Dream Cast, even after stop production, still had games being produced for the console.

And do you really think that Selling 10 Millions out-side USA, is something ?, we don't even know if they will sell this much Out-side the USA, Microsoft, don't release sales numbers, the only Out-side USA, sales that we have, is UK, Japan, and more recently, France, and Germany, that did not is 4 Millions of Xbox One, the only places that Xbox One, is selling is Uk, and USA, the others the console is a Big Flop.

Sega Master System Sold more than 10 Millions of units out-side USA (with total sales of 14-15 Millions units worldwide), and Sega's Genesis, also sold more than 16 Millions of units out-side USA,  More than 3 Millions on Brazil alone, but sold multiple times less than Playstation 1, and Playstation 2, on Total Sales numbers, showing that Sega, had a Stronger Worldwide market, than the USA.


Xbox One, will sell multiple times less than Xbox 360, on the Worldwide market, already is not selling ou Europe, that acording to VGchart, Xbox 360, sold 25 Millions units, and now Xbox One, only sold 5 Millions of units, i don't think that it will get any close to Xbox 360's sales on Europe, Xbox One, is selling much less than Xbox 360 on japan, Dozens of times less, and is selling less than Xbox 360, on Pal Regions, a lot of times less.


They are killing their own console sending Exclusives away, they will not have Kinect Boost on Sales, because they are not investing on Playstation VR, that is something that would push sales like Kinect.

I Still think that someone that sell over 60% of their product in just 1 Country (that now those rates are even higher) is not a Worldwide competitor, just a Local competitor for Playstation, a Xbox console, never out-sold a Playstation console, on Europe, on Japan, or on Pal Regions, and did not  even was close to out-sell, they just out-sold on USA, so is not a Worldwide Brand, like Sega's consoles, or Sony's Playstation, the Xbox, is just a American Brand, that seems to please the American people, and just it, seems that they don't have focus on other markets.


Xbox One, need to sell more 5-6 Millions Out-side USA, only this year to sell more than 10 Millions Worldwide, do you really think that Xbox One, can sell this much without USA ?, Do you really think that a Console that was 9-10 Millions units sold on January of this year, and that only sell on the Holidays, sold 10-11 Millions on 12 Months worldwide ?, VGChartz is Overtracking Xbox One, i don't think that is 20 Millions units sold for January,  and i think that is 18-19 Millions Shipped, 16-17 Millions Sold, Microsoft, don't give numbers, if they were at 20 Millions, they would release numbers, and would not release their Exclusives on PC.