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ToastyJaguar said:
Just as they said, doing something like the last games would not be much of a step forward. Still just because the game has vehicles, it doesn't mean it will be a failure.

I'm looking at you rock on with you with low 80 average.

They tried concepts that were more like the old games and they though they weren't very good so stop crying.

 that's not even what people are saying, most people don't that because it has vehicles it will be bad.  There are a few people that think that because rare's recent track record isn't that good it might suck but that's a different story.  People are just upset because it's banjo.  

This isn't a step forward, and don't tell me that platformers can't improve anymore.  This isn't a step forward because you're not even making a platform game anymore, with 80% vehicles this is more comparable to mario kart then to mario galaxy.  

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X