Ka-pi96 said: So, Steam's weeklong deals... have they ever had any good games on sale there? I've noticed the weekend deals usually seem to be pretty good games, but the weekday ones, despite having a lot more games on sale, never seem to be as good. |
As Basil has said, midweek deals are more for smaller games. That said, this week's Bloody Valentine deals are rather good.
Chazore said:
I didn't mind the last show and I'm hoping that they have Sean host this years show because I like his general character and charm, maybe even have TB on the show and Linus. I do hope they also show more new games and not old ones though along with enw hardware that isn't strictly AMD based. Also I really don't care for MS bothering to show up this eyar since their plans of a restricted garden really do not appeal to me and their latest "Commitment" plans are for naught to someone like me. |
If it's like last year's, I hope the show is a bit shorter. And I honestly don't know if bringing more people will be a good idea. Then again, it will be the second show so they can still do experiments to find the perfect formula.
AMD was already there in the first show... heck, they were sponsors!, so it's up to PCGamer to find other contributors and then convince Nvidia to come and join the party.
MSofst's commitment to PC gaming is, is... I don't have words for it. And then yesterday I read this http://wccftech.com/windows-store-terrible-support-games-microsoft-fix/
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.