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CAL4M1TY said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
*bleu-ocelot* said:
WoW because platformers are like so 90's.
Platforms are so Nintendo. The top games on Nintendo are either a Mario or Zelda game.


What... since when was Zelda a "platformer", that's like saying God of War, DMC, Ninja Gaiden are all platformers because you jump on the occassional platform....

On Topic: Unless they pull a miracle, I don't think this game will be a success knowing this information. I see this game riddled with:

a) Control (car weight) issues and Camera issues in tight areas

b) Control issues and Barren Wastelands as levels so that there are no tight areas for bad camera angles.

It's a shame though, considering that one of the people working on the game said in an interview (it's on GT if interested) that the people making the game are the core group that made the original N64 titles and he even said they recognised and appreciated the support of those old fans that grew up waiting for the next installment in anticipation. Way to kick them in the lower parts by changing the way the game is played Rare.

Can the people who make Banjo, Crash bandicoot and other 90's platformers that have fallen by the way side look at Nintendo and Super Mario Galaxy. Nintendo didn't break the way the game is played (well they did in sunshine with the water gun thing but at least they learned from that) but instead enhanced it with slight ADDITIONS (note: not changes) to the gameplay. Look how great that turned out!

Everything RARE touches lately seems to go wrong. Perfect dark Zero was average , Kameo was good but not great and Viva Pinata good but not great.

Banjo: Nuts and Bolts. i predict will be good but not great.