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Yes, our bodies have been waiting a long time for this, the next Mass Effect. Now I know Andromeda was announced last year, but now feels like the perfect time to start actually making a thread about it. Now this thread is a WIP, specifically we'll start small and grow from there. We'll have a few news stories up, and hopefully we can grow from there. But Mass Effect is one of my favorite franchises ever, and I'm super happy I get the opportunity to make this thread! (CGI-Quality approved)


What is Mass Effect Andromeda?


Now if you haven't already guessed it, Mass Effect Andromeda takes place in the Andromeda galaxy (duh). The events of the story take place long after the first trilogy, and introduce new characters, and new places to explore. You can play as a male and female human (both who look awfully like shepard, rumours anyone?), and you can drive the Mako from the first Mass Effect. Bioware however has kept quiet about any other details (including the story), so I'll be updating this part in time. The game will run on EA's frostbite 3 engine, the same used for the current gen Battlefield games, and with Star Wars Battlefront. A release date is expected in Q1 2017
Ahhh yes... the golden gem for unreleased games. When we can't stand not knowing, we look everywhere for even the tinyest information that may still be false. Now before you look through this, it could contain story details. While it isn't concrete, it doesn't mean it isn't factual. So I do warn if you guys don't want to know anything about the game till launch, look away....
Now that I've warned the people who've bothered to read that last part, here we go! Now certain rumours about the game include...
-2 squad mates as before, human blonde and krogan are mentioned
-All squad mates have jetpacks which come into play in exploration
-Omnitool has more functionality, for example a combat shield
-Greater details in character facial feature's and models
-Destructible covers (thank you Frostbite :))
-Completely different ship from the normandy
-Possible Mako Customization
-"Pathfinder quarters" section in the ship
-Main character referred to as "the pathfinder"
-Story revolves around finding a new home for the milky way's species (including humans)
-New ship travel system where you manually fly the ship (really hoping for this one :))
-Enemies are bipedal cross between Vorcha and Collectors
-Non-human enemies drop from Cerbrus ships (possible placeholder, though it could be very interesting if it isn't...)
-One of the antagonists is a human solder with armor similar to yours but without N7 insignia
Now this is all from one source, though its generally the rumours that are circulating the most, so stay tuned for more!
Gameplay (we got some leaked bitches)

Made a bet with LipeJJ and HylianYoshi that the XB1 will reach 30 million before Wii U reaches 15 million. Loser has to get avatar picked by winner for 6 months (or if I lose, either 6 months avatar control for both Lipe and Hylian, or my patrick avatar comes back forever).