fatslob-:O said:
AMD has hopes that more games will become compute limited to give them the advantage in the long run and that's exactly what their aiming to do with support for asynchronous compute shaders just like how console APIs expose support for that kind of feature ... I'm curious as to how much of an improvement it will be with the changes they've made to the command processor, geometry related fixed function units, and the shader instruction pre-fetching ... |
That's one of the reasons because I like AMD, they launch products that not only cover today's necessities, but also the ones that will come in the future. Maybe that's why their 7970/280X is still a very capable card today even thought it launched three or four years ago.
But, because everything has its cons, that forward thinking can also backfire on them. The best example that I can think of is how they had a tesselator unit years before any game used it and, when engines and games started using it, they did so with a different method that made those old cards useless for tesselation.
fatslob-:O said:
That would sound great ... As for me I don't do E3 so I base it on what it announced and what content they show for it ... |
I always find E3 to be an interesting time because, if nothing else, is a clear sign of how healthy is the industry.
And well, this year could be fun to watch with Nintendo having new hardware and AMD (and hopefully Nvidia) using the conference to reveal at least part of its cards and plans.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.