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homer said:
Doubt it. What is so hard to believe about evolution? If you just look at other species, you can literally track where we converged. Look at homologous structures, fossil records, and DN fucking A. I don't even understand why anyone would deny it for religious purposes either. Of course God, an omnipotent being, would have a good understanding of climate change and would create beings capable of adapting to it.

the fossil records are insanley patchy to say the least. and carbon dating is speculative, its not really full proof at this point. There is a reason that a lot of specialists and scientists in the field are not entirely sure themselves

if Evolution were a fulproof theory I think there would be wayyyyyyyyy more examples found. the issue is that we are finding like barely ANY skeletons or fossils or supposedly earlier forms of humans. I mean its insane. Even something like Neanderthalls, we don't find a ton on, but earlier humans before that like nothinggg


in concept evolution is a somewhat logical idea but the issue is that it isn't backed by a lot of real claims. humans in our current sense and structure (the last 3000 or so years) have lasted such a short period of time that we have no literal basis to prove many of our claims

I find it strange that we find SO many dinosaur fossils yet so few early human fossils. Seriously google for yourself how many have been found. The ones have been found generally are TINY pieces that people sort of piece together

I'm just being real here- sure time has something to do with, millions of years, however dinosaur skeletons much older than early humans have been found intact, many species which were not very large

long term evolution is a huge question mark