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Shadow1980 said:
ZhugeEX said:


Smartest post I've read in a while. 


Only subscribers have access to NPD data and have to sign an NDA. They're not going to be posted on VGChartz.

I did also suggest that Aqua try to convince George to use some other venue. The end result is still the same. The data will find its way here and elsewhere, and that's the important thing. In any case, why should GAF have the exclusive privilege of being the only place that NPD numbers ever get posted, thereby subjecting the tiny handful of people that we rely on for data to be subjected the internet forum equivalent of George Jetson job security?

In any case, how much does it cost to get hold of that NPD data? Do they offer subscriptions for just game sales? Is it some outrageous sum?

Yes it is. I called them once and they said it was $30,000.