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Fan of C&C but didn't like how 10 turned out along with EA letting the franchise rot out back.

Fan of Windows/MS but greatly dislike how they've gone about their "PC support" and Windows 10 in general.

Fan of the RTS genre but greatly disappointed with how few titles there are the past few years that stand out on the level and polish of SCII/C&C.

Fan of Techland but I'm disappointed with their anti mod stance and unwillingness to give PC players the option to turn off Chromatic Aberration in order for some to play the game without suffering from nausea and headaches along with clear visuals and boost in performance.

Fan of Blizzard but I'm disappointed that they still haven't made any mention of Warcraft 4 or a new Diablo game (last one was 3 years ago).

Fan of Valve but greatly disappointed that they haven't made a new Half Life, TF or L4D game in years.

Fan of Nintendo but I'm disappointed that they didn't announce an Animal Crossing game for Wii U.

Fan of Petroglyph but I'm disappointed with how Grey Goo turned out.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"