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Going beyond the fanboyism of the big 3, whether you're a fanboy of either of them or not (doesn't matter), sometimes people are a fanboy of something smaller than that. Like a franchise, a mascot that gets around other games, a developer, etc

But even as a fanboy, it doesn't mean you're gonna like everything. So if you consider yourself a fanboy of something, what didn't you like?


As for me, being a Neptunia fanboy, I have to say I was disappointed with Hyperdevotion Noire Goddess Black Heart. Seems to be deemed by most fans (and even some non fans) as the best Neptunia spin-off, but it's the only Nep game I didn't platinum, or worse, I didn't even finish the story (though I came very close). I made me realize i'm not into SRPGs very much.. I enjoy Disgaea, but I already didn't like VC. It seems as if I only enjoy like 1 out of 5 SRPGs I try. Not a good ratio that indicates the genre isn't for me. I love turn based RPGs, just not the Strategy variant I guess.

Was still worth it for those skimpy Noire CGs..