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Theres a lot of people that, whenever the topic of the PlayStation 3 comes up, they quickly point out the difficulties of development. Many of them don't even know what really made the system so difficult. Well, they know it has to do with the Cell proccessor but thats about it. I'm one of those, and you might be too. Now, there are many resources on the net, but you might be like me and find them a bit too dificult. No worries, Youtube got us covered. This video makes the whole thing easy to understand and is narrated by an actual cat, to boot.

As everything that is explained in simple terms, there might be inacuracies. But I leave that to the experts to sort out. One very important thing she mentions near the end is that, without real world testing, theres no way to know what method of proccessing data is necessarly better or easier. In retrospect everyone is an expert and will claim they could see things comming from a mile away but, in truth, back then, no one knew anything. Which is why Kutaragi deserves respect for being brave and trying something unique.

“Simple minds have always confused great honesty with great rudeness.” - Sherlock Holmes, Elementary (2013).

"Did you guys expected some actual rational fact-based reasoning? should already know I'm all about BS and fraudulence." - FunFan, VGchartz (2016)