Nettles said: My machine is almost 6 years old now,Cant play new AAAs like witcher 3 but still good for everything else.I am waiting for the new graphene technology chips before upgrading again.That is the next huge leap and it's not far off. |
You will be waiting for decades, if not forever. I don't know where you get the idea it's not far off.
Graphene can't even properly do the "on-off" you need for a transistor to work, not to mention all that bullshit of graphene going for hundreds of gigahertz? Yeah, a single silicon transistor can also do that on test conditions. Hell, even inside a Skylake processor some of them go to a few dozen gigahertz. Not to mention very fast chips like that would theoretically be limited by the speed of light, which can't go a long way when you are working through hundreds of billion cycles per second. Instructions wouldn't be properly pipelined, latency and errors would increase exponentially as pipeline delays pile up and... you get the picture.
I make mine the words of Gordon Moore on an alternative to modern chips when he says it will be very hard to beat tens of billions of silicon (or likely silicon + something) transistors on a single chip. They are basically the combustion engine of computing, except you don't feel compelled to switch to electric because of fossil fuels.