CGI-Quality said: I'm just telling you that there is a very dedicated PC fanbase, here and the reasons I brought are why you won't find as many topics as for the consoles. |
The way you and I see people who are "dedicated" are very different. When I see dedication at work, I see people doing what they love, talking of what they love, same with local aid volounteers on my island, I actually see them about in my daily life, I don't jsut hear but not see a single one for years on end, heck I even see them in my local paper each week. Even though you talk of overlap, it still doesn't stop you from popping by one in a while to talk about something PC related, I mean what has stopped you for a year so far in popping in a few times to our main thread?, same for everyone else?. What literally binds your will and soul from clicking on a thread to a topic of a platform you're apparently dedicated to?.
All I am asking is that so called dedicated PC users interact more than simply going "I'm sparticus" and then sitting back down never to say anything again until the same question is asked. Seriously that's all I'm asking.
Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see
So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"