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kitler53 said:

JRPGfan said:

Crapgamer has a few points though.

There are people that legit bought a Xbox One, for this one game, that wouldnt have if they from the start said it was on both.

Its kinda false advertiseing, or atleast tricking people into buying a product.


And why is Membership 60$/year , if its free on pc, and they get the same games & services?


"So why allow those games to go to PC and not the exclusive blockbusters? Well, because for Sony, its first-party output acts as a sort of advertisement for the PS4. Titles like Bloodborneexist to sell consoles, and while exclusives are waning ever so slightly in importance, it's licensing fees and subscriptions where platform holders make money. If a game like The Last Guardianhelps to move a few boxes, then it's worth the investment, because it helps introduce people to the ecosystem."

I actually agree with this.

I think down the line, every exclusive the XB1 gets going to PC, kills insentive to buy one.



crapgamers points are very legit. 

SFV was announced from the begining as a console exclusive.  no one really cares that it is only console exclusive on also on pc.  the main point is it has been advertised as an xbox 1 exclusive for years.  if i were a pc-centric gamer that heard for years that in order to play a game i want i have to buy an xbox and then do only to find out the games are actually coming to pc day-1,..  i'd be livid.

this is all about doing what you say and saying what you do.   ..and the backlash is the result of years of double talk from ms all the way back to titles like mass effect and bioshock not just QB.

So why would anyone be mad then? Phil Spencer SAID that they would be bringing more titles to PC and start focusing on Xbox AND PC again, and now that it's being done to the benefit of the gamers and Remedy people are mad? lol the gaming world is so funny.

Ive never seen fashion lovers mad because more than one store sells a t-shirt from the same brand.