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BasilZero said:
Chazore said:
Managed to send Techland a support ticket nearly a day ago and got an email letting me know they will get back to me within at least 48 hrs.

Hopefully I can get some sort of answer or solution for them using CA or giving us an option to turn it off because I really want to play that expansion.


X-Com 2?

Nah it;s for Dying Light's expansion =P.


They have placed VAC bans on anyone who mods the game now since Jan and that emans I cannot mod out that horrible Chromatic Aberration effect and since they ban us for modding I had no choice but to send them a ticket urging to include an option. I mean Nixxes patched in a graphics option with TR then Techland should be able to do the same. THat effect itself makes it hard for me to navidate let alone see in the distance and for some people it induces headaches and nausea which is clearly a bad effect to include in a game.


Basically this is CA turned on:


CA modded out:


Gif version:


They aren't the only devs to use the effect but they are by far the worst offenders to make the CA effect so strong in their game. See how blurred and tinged the game looks like along with a loss of colour. It;s them trying to be artistic with the sacrifice of colour, visuals and causing headaches/nausea for some people, they really shoudln't have gone that route and just stuck without the effect, their game looks aboslutely stunning and beautiful when CA is modded out. It's also a damn shame they are heavily against mods as well as ooposed to Firaxis who gladly welcome their modding community with open happy arms.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.