Chazore said: Eh Dead Rising 3 wasn't really that good of a port, at least compared to DD. I do hope this means Capcom are more than willing to pass their games to PC sooner at good quality than later.
Also that NFS port took long enough, can't say I'm super thrilled at the marketing either along with the fact the servers will probably stay online for a max of 2-3 years like they did with Burnout Paradise. Also while I don't mind OPirigin at all, I don't like paying in Euros and especially at their prices so I'll likely be waiting for a super sale of some sort. I like playing the odd racing game now and then but not at max price and not after having waited months on end for roughly the same product. |
Maybe Dead Rising 3 wasn't a great port, but it launched what, 3 months after the X1 game? And they were working to solve the problems of the X1 version while the PC port was being done.
It took them three years to bring Dragon's Dogma to PC, more than enough time to make a great port!
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
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