More great news.
The PC version of RPG Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen is Capcom’s fast-selling game for the platform thus far.
The title – which debuted on January 15th on Steam – is also one of the publisher’s Top Three best-selling PC releases.
Dark Arisen is an enhanced version of 2012’s Dragon’s Dogma, which launched for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 back in 2013.
Capcom does note that though Dark Arisen is its fast-selling PC title so far, the initial sales of the console versions were higher as they benefited from a full marketing push pre-launch.
“We are extremely pleased with the performance of Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen. It is our fastest-selling PC title to date, thanks to an audience eagerly waiting for it, and us delivering to the level of quality gamers were expecting,” marketing director Antoine Molant told MCV.
“Based on a similar sales period, Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen is in the Capcom's Top Three PC releases after these few weeks, along with Resident Evil and Dead Rising 3.”
Please excuse my bad English.
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