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Bodhesatva said:
Katilian said:
Bodhesatva said:


Your point about adults not playing these games growing up is valid, to an extent: it would be a perfect explanation if adults weren't playing SOME games. Let's just assume that your explanation is valid. Then how do you explain why they play games such as "The Sims," "Brain Age" and "Civilization" in much greater numbers than others? This suggests that the problem isn't that the older people aren't willing to play games at all; they're just not willing to play games about blowing up space aliens.

It also doesn't explain why girls tend to play those types of games less. If this were simply a matter of older people not "getting it," then why are young girls not "getting it" either? And why are they playing games like Cooking Mama and The Sims instead of God of War? There are really two explanations, then:

1) Young males "get it," and are the only ones to appreciate this new, profound art. Adults and women are willing to play other titles, such as "The Sims," but aren't willing to engage in the deep stuff.

2) It's not a profound art. It's just a playground for young males, and like all playgrounds for young males, young women and adults really aren't very interested.




Most adults I know think that games are just about jumping around to collect coins and avoid falling into holes. It seems to me that most people who didn't grow up with gaming look down on video games and just aren't willing to try them. It's their loss I suppose. My mother is an example. I've had no luck convincing her that games can sometimes have storylines that are as interesting as all these novels she reads or films that she watches. She just thinks that only children and geeks play games. 

People who don't play games don't realise that there are many other genres besides from shooters, racers, sports games or those aimed at kids. Me and my best friend persuaded her dad to play FFX and now he loves Squeenix RPGs. He doesn't game often but he's completed KH 1 & 2, FFX, X-2 and is currently playing XII. He always thought gaming was naff until he got bullied into playing a decent game. It's unfortunate that there are few people his age who are willing to give it a try. 

I'm not like all these other women you mention in that I don't see the appeal in The Sims or Cooking Mama, but I love God of War. Kratos is awesome. Gaming isn't just a playground for young males. Lots of young women are becoming serious gamers, half of my female friends won't stop obsessing over Dante. Lol. Jin is far more beautiful than him. Anyway, I for one think that games can be art. I love the ancient Greek setting in God of War, the artstyle in this game is amazing. It also has lots of ponies in it.