Chazore said:
Well once it launched I kept an eye on it for about a month and needless to say it wasn'[t recieved all that well since it was met with eprformance issues out the gate, along with being made "too simple" in terms of gameplay compared to the last ANNO. Also the original askign price put me fof along with it requiring Uplay so I never really had a desire to buy it. Until Ubisoft revamps Uplay entirely or doesn't ask you to install when you buy from Steam then I just won't ever buy anything from them like I've done the past 3 years now.
Also I was just done downloading the enw Dying Light expansion and found out they didn't give you the option to remove Chromatic Aberration and it seems I'm not the only one who's upset about this news: I won't be playing the expansion until Techland decide to patch an option in like Nixxes did for TR or until a mod is created because I absolutely cannot stand CA that is as bad as Dying Light's is. It's like playing a blind man in a town where everything has a brown tinge to it and specles everywhere, some even suffer from headaches due to the effect and I'm glad I don't suffer that much but it still ruins my gameplay in general and that's not me being snobby either (because someone on this forum will take it that way). |
The game didn't have a big marketing campaign, but I'm surprised it hasn't done well with Christmas in the way. UPlay is part of the problem, of course, but there has to be something more (too high PC requirements, people burned with DLCs or expansions from 2070, etc.)
And Chromatic Aberration is mostly useless. Don't worry, I'm sure a mod will come soon .
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.