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I love Nintendo games but have been disappointed with the last 2 Nintendo home consoles. Both severely underpowered and over-priced for such weak tech.

12 million may not seem like a lot of consoles but considering the absolutely dire spec, pathetic cpu power, weak mobility graphics, ultra slow bandwidth memory, lack of hard drive and a clumsy over-sized controller that is truly awful for the people who often get Nintendo consoles, children it seems to me Nintendo have done very well. Then add lack of support with only really first party games worth getting.

I feel Nintendo still have the power to sell a huge number of consoles they just need to stop trying to sell dire hardware at inflated prices. Before the wii they were competitive in tech.

I'm really hopeful that their next console will be something really worth getting as I feel the wii u failure was a total shock to Nintendo and hopefully they realise they need to be more competitive.

A decent console with a great launch title would be a solid start.

I see no reason why the NX couldn't quickly outsell the xbone on a monthly basis and give the ps4 a bit of competition especially if NX versions of the same games as PS4 are actually superior in some ways which is definitely possible.