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I disagree that what's locked behind Amiibo is fundamental. It's not fundamental at all, the game is complete without the extra levels. It would be like saying only the remaster with extra content is the complete experience the game has to offer. Last gen got royally screwed if that was the case.

It's extra content, not as big of a deal as let's say ME3. Where Bioware decided that after 2 full games of talking about the mysterious protheans, they would make the prothean mission and character day one dlc. And the content felt fundamental to the game once you played with him as your partner and realized how much the dialogue changes the experience.

I see no reason to be upset over extra content that doesn't affect the experience of the game much. Like the Splatoon Dlc, sounded cool 'til you buy the Amiibo and realize the extra content wasn't a big deal at all.