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I did it, and to be quite honest, found some questions on it quite.... stupid.For example:Do you like explosions on the game?What kind of question is that?If i say yes, that means that a game that dosnt have at least 7 explosions sucks for me?

What i mean is that, many question are very subjective, that really depends on the game that i am playing.I like guns and cars if the game is about guns and cars.If for some reason a game suddenly has cars without any explanation,and dosnt incorporate them well to the game, I would hate it.And for those that are thinking "ah, he just meant that if you are a fan of guns and those stuff", so i ask:why isnt there a question if I like swords?Or magic?Or aliens in the games?This profile tool is mediocre in my opinion

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.