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HappySqurriel said:

I think there is an odd assumption going on hear ... It seems that people are assuming that if you're disappointed that this isn't a straight up Banjo Kazooie game then you obviously will never play this game; this simply isn't true, if the game turns out well I may buy it.

I would personally like to see another Donkey Kong platformer from Nintendo (I think it would work well as a Crash-Bandicoot/Mario Hybrid) and I would be very disappointed if Nintendo announced that they were making a new Donkey Kong game only to find out it was a new game based on the Donkey Kong franchise; I wouldn't necessarily hate the new game, but I would still be disappointed.

 You mean like?

I'm fairly certain Nintendo has never suggested any of these were meant to be continuations of the Rare made Donkey Kong Platformers, probably why none of them have the word "Country" in the title which was used originally to different them from Rare's creation from the orginal Donkey Kong, which was really already continued in the form of the Mario Bros series. Yet I've seen people express disappointment with Nintendo for not attempting to continue their legacy and upset they simply reuse the same characters in different projects.

I think it's funny some people want act a lot of other people are disappointed by this because of some sort of console fanboy agenda. It it really hard to imagine that fans of a certain game after being strung along for such a long period of time about the series possible revival find the end product may be fundamentally different than series they originally fell in love with to be upsetting?

Sure a lot of them may be overreacting and not seeing the potential in this new title. But they didn't know it was going to be a new title, they thought it was going to be the next step in the same series. I can't help think this wouldn't have happened if Rare and just said the title a good while back. Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts lets you know it's something different.