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Rafie said:

It's pretty clear that if you don't think SFV will dominate everywhere, then you're either a Nintendo fanboy and/or a Pokemon fanboy that isn't thinking realistically. See how dumb that sounds?

You must not have been in tune with the appeal SFV has ganered with the beta alone. It's already super successful and it's conjured quite the following. No one has taken a blind eye to Capcom's shady business practices in the past. However, I will say this. The DLC to SFIV is mostly what the FANS wanted. Capcom delivered. Most of the characters that's been requested has gotten on the game. The prices for THAT DLC was jutisfied. I can't speak on the character costumes and such. So the Street Fighter X Tekken game is a good game. The DLC practice was horrid. It's a commercial failure and understandbly so. Still I find it to be a good game. Marvel VS Capcom 3 was f'ed up due to the fact that they released another version 9 months. UMVC 3 is a popular hit. It's not a bad game at all.

I understand your disgruntlement with Capcom, but remember Street Fighter is THEE most popular fighting game in history. To generalize the gamers on this site as Capcom/Sony fanboys because they believe SFV would beat Pokken sales wise is ignorant at best. Pokken is an unproven fighting game that didn't take too well in the Japanese arcades. As I said before, SFV is already widely popular amongst the fighting game community.  Opinions at the end of the day though.

A Capcom fanboy that didn't read my post and is trolling? How suprising lol. See how easily I spotted you, troll?

A beta?  You mean a FREE beta? Did you read the part where Capcom said that they expect to sell two million units, little boy? Of course you didn't that what fanboyism does to you, it fucks with your reading comprehension. And you're calling me stupid, faggot? I like you're arugment: "So the Street Fighter X Tekken game is a good game"  LMAO

I understand that you're a Capcom that's blindly throwing out labels like the troll that you are, but I stated FACTS plain and simple,. Now read my post if you're not a fanboy. Or are you going to be a faggot and cry on a mods' dick about how I'm "trolling" AKA stating facts that I don't like and have my account banned? Well go ahead for I can always create a new one, faggot. The mods' "don't defend Nintendo' rule doesn't justifly a bannisment, faggot. 

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