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Hispanic is a derogatory term to most people you would call Hispanic. If you want a culturally correct catch all term use "Latino" or "Latina", as in "of Latin American origin".

I'm not entirely sure anyone should be congratulating anyone on winning a primary caucus in Iowa. I guess it's an historical first, but in terms of being an achievement for the status of Latino people in the USA it would probably be of no more note than if Obama had won the Iowa caucus but not gone on to win the nomination. A footnote in history nothing more. No one cares, or probably even remembers, that Hilary was the first woman to win the Iowa caucus. That's because she failed to become the nominated presidential candidate.

Also in terms of notable "non-wins" for African Americans I think Jesse Jackson will probably still go down as being the most successful African American non-winner in presidential primaries. He got 3rd over all in the 1984 primary race, and he won the primaries in Virginia, South Carolina, and Louisiana, and split Mississippi. So Ben Carson isn't, at this stage, the best performing African American to lose a primary. Not that that is an achievement of any great note. And of course there have been a few African Americans who have tried for the Republican nomination in the past, so him even being in the race is not something special.

Still I think Rubio has a very good chance at being the presidential candidate, which will be a big deal, and I'm sure people will make a thing of it when it actually becomes a thing of historical importance. Post Iowa there's really nothing of historical importance to see.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix