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Swordmasterman said:
AsGryffynn said:
Natsu said:
I wonder how much money microsoft actually makes from gaming, obviously quite a bit but I would think windows makes them a lot more.

Same as Sony... 

Microsoft's Gaming division, is mixed with other Software sales, and not just games, they pick a lot of other software to make the numbers of their "Game Division" looks better, is Impossible to track how much Money Microsoft's game division make, but is easy to track Sony's Game Division, because they give actual numbers, and because Playstation, is more than a Division for Sony, have their own Reports.


So, the Answer, if Microsoft, make the same as Sony, with Gaming, depends if Microsoft, use Windows Phone's software sales, Direct X12's API revenue, the Educative games that they are making, also sales of Minecraft, and other things.


but in Console Division, both Sony, and Nintendo, make more money with their consoles than Microsoft.

not really
it was roughly $4 billion revenue the last quarter
we don't have numbers for operating income, though

2 quarters ago, we had at least gross margins
but before the changes made to the reporting segments in september 2015, the xbox division did not include 1. party games and live transactions