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Onyxmeth said:
RolStoppable said:
Onyxmeth said:

I'm sure there were plenty of people that were WTFing when they saw a magazine and realized a precious gem like Donkey Kong that they held dear to their heart was going to turn into some Mario-like game. Now how did that turn out again? For the better, huh?

When you're skipping two console generations, you can't just slap a prettier coat of paint on an oldie but goody and call it a day even though that's all we want. Rare, for better or worse have always been innovators and have thought outside the box numerous times. I trust they can reinvent the platformer for the better, because Banjo is as loved by them as it is by you guys, and if they feel this is the best way to take the series I'll stick with it. They turned something else from a masterpiece to a completely different masterpiece and I don't think anyone regrets that decision nowadays.

That's a pretty bad example, don't you think? A platforming game evolved into a modern platforming game. Mario's career started with the same game as Donkey Kong's career and while Mario evolved step by step over a decade into a top notch 16-Bit platformer, Donkey Kong did it in a single step.

If Banjo-Kazooie (which had Super Mario 64's spirit) would follow the path you gave in your example, this would lead us to a pure 3D platformer like Super Mario Galaxy with various minigames (like the first two B-K games had) to earn jigsaws.

Important sidenote: In the same year as Donkey Kong Country was released, Nintendo released Donkey Kong for the Game Boy which included the original game and an additional ~100 levels. So fans of the original game could go with the GB game if they didn't like the SNES game. So a fair solution for Banjo-Kazooie would be to give fans of the old games a worthy sequel while making Nuts and Bolts in addition to it.

What do you think this new Banjo is, a racing game? It's still a platformer. It's just not like any other platformer ever made. You use vehicles instead of Banjo himself for various parts of the game. I hope you, and everyone else accusing Banjo of being something other than a platformer actually read up on the media gameplay articles and didn't just watch that video and make assumptions. I just don't understand why no one thinks a platformer can be made with vehicles.

Even Miyamoto took Mario out of the driver's seat in his own game and gave you Yoshi to play with, and that turned out rather well...twice. It sure did recieve a lot of backlash at the time though. That I remember very clearly.

Regarding a handheld vesion, it's probably likely it could happen in the future. Rare already re-released Diddy Kong Racing for the DS and have Viva Pinata coming over too. Banjo seems likely. Will that shut people up about this game though, probably not.


 It's not that a platformer can't be made with vechicles.  It's that a revived Banjo platformer shouldn't focus on them.  The animals weren't the focus on DK country afterall.