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Core Gamer? Casual Gamer?

WHAT are you talking about....
I think Nintendo is the epitome of the core game player company. I have been on their page for forever...back to the original NES. What I see with them is innovation. They have been the pioneer of so many interesting things and have had a long history creating new experiences with their game machines. I enjoy watching them innovate and really appreciate their desire to take risks by trying new things. They had a 3D game machine, a robot, a glove that reacted to the player's hand movements, a lightgun game that was an action adventure game to name just a few of their innovations....I remember many times waiting for the next installment of one of their awesome game series and instead of getting what I wanted they came up with another totally new game that would make you think what else can they think up that I can enjoy....

I think many people confuse the other 2 game companies movement to a more "adult" game player audience as the core players and it might be true that those systems have a generally older audience but I would not call them the core gamers.