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We shouldn't let the political right wing or companies tell us how bad a minimum wage would be. They have a vested interest in keeping company expenses as low as possible.

Something has to be done about the income gap though. Companies who make the most money are the most prone to try to force the smallest possible wages even though they could afford it. That's why the sallaries at Walmart, McDonalds or Amazon exist and why Jobs are being outsourced to 3rd world countries.

Thanks to gigantic loopholes in the financial system those profits these companies make through cheap labor, benefit noone but a few managers.

Raising the minimum wage will indeed cost some jobs and will lead to a minimal inflation but not because that's the rule. It will happen because the biggest companies will dictate it. Not to protect the company from closure but to protect their already unnecessary huge margins.

Minimum wage is just a bandaid for a problem that was made by companies and corrupt politicians. I would like to think that a proper financial system without loopholes for the biggest earners would fix this by giving more money to the government to employ more people and expand social programs but that will never happen. Even if politicians weren't corruopt, they would still manage to waste that additional money.

The present and future is grim for low income people and the only chance to save yourself is a good job.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.