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Soundwave said:
Cubedramirez said:

You blame Republicans for stopping further healthcare reform yet dismiss the fact the ACA was supposed to end all need for further reform. It was supposed to expand coverage to everyone, lower cost for everyone, stop insurance companies from declining people and ensure a efficient system that would overall reduce the impact on our economy from healthcare cost. The ACA passed with a Super Majority in Congress and as we speak every single aspect of the law and exchange has failed. Now I could go spew Republican talking points about grossly incorrect notion the Republicans could stop anything prior to 2010, which actually is legitimate, however the facts are that with a super majority the Congress and President passed the ACA which was designed to end all of chaos and ills. Now in 2016 after the ACA was passed we are hearing the same song and dance about further health care reform because the trillion spent on the initial ACA wasn't enough.

So we have a classic example of people in government who have no clue on how to do what they claim they're going to do EVEN while they've been given a completely blank check to do it. Heck, they spent 834 million dollars paying entities to the building and maintaining the federal exchange website and those companies happen to donate right back to the people who gifted them these insane contracts.  If you don't have the same disgust as I have after writing that there is no point to continue. 

Further ignorance is displayed in terms of propping up a Middle East state. Now the easy answer to the question was, don't invade. However after the fact the absolute worst thing to do was to leave. Iraq much like Syria, Turkey, EAU, etc are very westernized and unlike your Afghanistan reference. The reason for staying was because we had to provide security and logistical training and support while guiding their government away from one which they ended up making that only benefited the Shia community while alienating the Sunni community which DIRECTLY led to the creation of ISIS. Again, it doesn't matter what side the empty suits come from they don't know how to manage anything outside of convincing people to vote for them in spite of all empirical evidence. 

I have a family of four and feel completely safe with my children going to school or to play. I thank my lucky stars my parents taught me that negativity sells and the media will also focus on anything that causes concern and distress and that I should never put much attention to such nonsense because 10 out of 10 times what they've reported is nothing more than half-truths and shallowness. My children are safe, my wife is safe and my home is safe because the reality is that statistically speaking it's extremely unlikely to ever be put into such situation where a gun is drawn or threatened again me or my family. In the media focuses on the worst of the worst in a effort to convince people they must constantly tune in to be informed on how to stay alive in this crazy dangerous world. Frankly speaking I'd rather be in the ghetto in an American city rather than anywhere in Germany or Europe during their government sanctioned invasion of a culture and people who find the very existence of a secular society to be repugnant. 

I get it. People want to believe that everything is simple to solve and if they elect the right career bureaucrat it will finally be fixed for the first time since Ike Eisenhower. The fact is that they got into politics because they couldn’t make it in the private sector. They cannot exist in an entity that demands results and holds them accountable for failures. So vote for Clinton or Sanders or Rubio or Cruz it doesn’t matter. What the country needs is a business minded person who understands how to run something that requires outside funding and energy to keep it afloat. The country needs someone who can play the game and rub elbows to make deals. The country needs a pragmatic person and something that the Democrats and Republicans are not telling anyone is that while the country agrees with their positions roughly 60% of the time when it comes to policy people agree with Trump maybe around 90% of the time. He’s not a evil liberal trying to win it for Hillary, he’s not a right wing nut job who wants to create the United States of Amerikkka. His positions are like the rest of us that final legitimate policy successes in both parties but don’t want the “my team vs your team” anymore. The Media and parties know this that’s why they’ve united against him because he threatens their hold more than anyone else. So until the election they’ll continue assuming meaning behind his words, outright lying about what he says and do everything they can to scare people into not taking the time to look at him. Which that doesn’t bug me because I’ve met and spoken to enough republicans and democrats who finally get it and are supporting him because they see the exact same thing I’ve written here.

Running country isn't like running a private business. The Bush family are incredibly successful in the private sector too. To be honest I don't think Trump's even some super genius businessman as has been mentioned before he inherited a lot of his wealth and would actually have more money today if he just invested that inherited fortune into a standard mutual fund rather than letting himself handle the business stuff. 

It's not like he went from nothing to this huge billionaire. 

Arnold Schwarzenneger as much flak as he gets is true rags to riches story, some people don't know this but aside from all his other exploits he became a millionaire just on real estate investements before becoming a movie star. But he really wasn't able to get much done in the world of politics. 

Politics is just it's own world fraught with compromise (hence the word politic). 

The other issue I have with Trump is I don't think he actually really has any core principals. He comes from the show biz philosophy of "the audience is always right", so you know what ever the audience wants he gives. But I don't think you can really be a successful president if you don't have any core principals other than showman principals. This isn't a Miss Universe contest or a casino. 

Beyond that though I don't think Trump is going to make it, he made a big fuss about always being a winner, always delivering, so this Iowa loss is going to sting him badly, don't talk the talk if you can't deliver the results (I'm going to win, going to win in Iowa easily ... he almost fell to third place). 

I'll go backwards in responses. 

Trump did not put all his eggs in a basket named Iowa when Iowa has historically been at best lukewarm when being won by a actual nominee. The next two contests have him both with double digit leads and in NH it's been since October. He'll win handedly however the other story is that in the next two contests the follow candidates for 2nd and 3rd are not consistent, only consistent in this race is Trump. 

There is not a single human being on this planet who would match your core principles requirement. It's a fairy tale that the Sanders folks are pushing because when you've existed 25 years in government and have not a single bill to show for it and have always been considered nothing more than a fly on the wall it's very easy to hold on to "principles". However if Sanders was a legitimate figure in Washington this principle issue would not even be a factor because human nature trumps (no pun intended) ideology when there's skin in the game. 

Politics is compromise that’s clear. There is no to be found of legitimate meaning in Washington because children with no negotiation skills are elected to office. 

Running a government is exactly like running a business. There is a clear misunderstanding for the role of government and its role and responsibilities in society. You have shareholders who are impacted by your choices (employees and citizens), you have investor interest to maintain (the G8), you have b2b relationships with require constant attention (trade and foreign affairs), you have product and service lines which must maintain a high standard (government programs and responsibilities), etc. 

I came to read about the Nintendo NX. Let the country elect who they want, this nation gets exactly what it deserves and I am proud to be able to have the means to move and continue my work if it ever got insanely out of control. This is no longer the shining city on the hill. It's a welfare office with a bread line next to it. 

@Jimbo1337 much love good Sir.