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"It's still the same old problem. Sony games don't sell on Sony systems, but first party software is where the big money comes from. For example, Splatoon outsold The Order 1886 and Bloodborne combined in a matter of months despite the Wii U having only one third of the installed base of the PS4. My advice for Sony is to develop games for Nintendo platforms because their users have historically been very receptive for high quality first party software. It's a strategy that is already working for Microsoft, so Sony should follow suit."

If its about profits, than why would Sony support Nintendo?
It would be far more profit generational for Sony to make games for iOS & Android over Nintendo platform's.

A) if it was about making games for the Nintendo portables, it would be more cost effective to release a dual shock 3&4 driver for iOS & Android and make those portable games for smart phones & Tablets.

B) for living room content, Sony already is making playstation software & network services to go directly into the smartTV.

Microsoft is trying to put a box under the TV
Nintendo is trying to put a box under the TV
Sony is trying to put a box under the TV,but unlike the other two Sony is putting "playstation" directly into the TV itself, so as Sony's playstation software & network servers can stream to said TV or from a PlayStation to any smartTV in your house. The smartTV is acting like a PlayStation Node. Sony is directly including the smart TV itself as a PlayStation platform.

With playstation Vue now on chrome cast, Amazon fire Player & TV stick & Apple iPad & iPhone & Touch.

It will not be far to see remote play,PSNow, and maybe even share play with such device's.

So again why would Sony need to concentrate on support for Nintendo over iOS & Android?


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.