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So PCGamer is having a go at Bamco for that shitty ToS port and while reading the article I noticed something that stood out to me that really should be pointed out as it's own topic on this site:

Above is a chart of sales data (using SS of course) with Dragon's Dogma vs Toukiden Kiwami. Now DD was recently released and found to be an all around good port (personally it's one of Capcom's best barring a few little nit picks) while Toukiden Kiwami isn't a good port. DD being a good port was also priced quite decently (especially when I grabbed it for £15 on GMG) and as a result it got a ton of sales, Toukiden Kiwami on the other hand was priced the highest and being a bad port and priced too high, it sold less as a result and that game has been out since last summer and DD has only been out for 2 and a half weeks.

That really blows my mind how in such a short time, a good port that people have pined for some years sells more than a bad port charged at higher prices, that's the sort of evidence that people on this site need to see and since it;s sales data, I feel strongly that this paints a positive picture for that sector of the market.

Of course I'm shit with sales data and handling it so I've got no chance of making a proper thread to present such a case study, though at some point if the site decides to share said sales data then I'll be sure to link the image or PCGamers article in general, unless you guys want to take a crack at painting the picture.

Oh yeah here's their article:

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.