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Well maybe this needed to happen (apparently this happened three days ago, but I wasn't aware until reading this thread just now). If authorities keep looking away and keep on lying and making excuses, people are going to take matters into their own hands. For better or worse. I'm actually surprised this isn't happening more often, especially in Germany or France. Even in my own country the situation is reaching a boiling point.

Politics across Europe need to deal with this now, before there's full-scale battles with casualties. As a side-note; it's fine if you need shelter here, you'll get it, but if you're going to be an ass during your stay you obviously don't need the help and should be deported without a second thought and without pardon. People that aren't directly threatened, ie. not from an area currently at war should also be denied refuge by default. I don't get why 'decent behaviour' such a hard thing to ask for some people.