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Here's what some nobody named Miyamoto thinks about the naysayers:

“We don't pay a whole lot of attention to the Internet until people have played the game - then we pay a lot of attention to whether people liked it. We read through it and see it, but we don't take it into consideration. ... [The Internet] is not going to dictate the direction of where the game goes.”

I'm not sure why everyone thinks this is a racing game just because they see vehicles in it. Every publication that went to England to play it says it's fantastic and came back saying it's still a platformer. It's a platformer using vehicles. Before you all make assumptions based upon a video, try to read up on the impressions of those that have played it. You'll get more info on the direction of the game that way. I personally can't wait. The online in this game is going to be, wait for it...legendary!

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.