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Slimebeast said:
Danuch said:
Slimebeast said:
Puppyroach said:
Slimebeast said:

They're not "kids", they're criminal teenagers and young men. The racists attacked them to show that there's resistance towards their criminal activity despite our politicians and the police being lenient towards it.

The racist assault was not an example of wanting to "oppress kids". That's an unfair description. More correct is to describe it as a criminal reaction to imported criminals who have been allowed to roam around for far too long.

And stop with your relativization and self hate - it's not regardless of culture. Some cultures have far less elements that want to oppress women and kids than other cultures have. It's dishonest not to acknowledge that.

And the reason you haven't heard about these criminal Morrocans is not because it's a minor problem, it's because media is silent about it on purpose, because if the truth came out it would increase anti-immigrant sentiments in Sweden.

The racists are extremists in society, that I agree with, but the assaults in Cologne were widespread all over Europe. That was not "extremist", because these acts represented much larger segments of the population in question than just the very extreme. And that's the issue here, that's the danger. If it was a fringe phenomenon by extremists, it wouldn't be as worrying. But now it is much more common and demands a different analysis.

How convenient that the media is "covering up" only the facts that would suit your argument? If the media is so eager to cover up attacks executed by a small percentage of the refugees, why did they write about the attacks in Cologne or those at a festival in Stocholm?

And I find it absolutely amazing that you think rascists would have any sentiment towards children- There is no difference between a rascist and a radical muslim pr a nazi; they are all right-wing extremists that want to control society through violence.

The attacks in Cologne seems to have been organized by criminal groups throughout Europe, but why should we then apply their behaviour on all refugees in Europe? When we see coordinated nazi demonstrations around Sweden, should we then assume all Swedes share their views?

"small percentage"? No, it's a large percentage of immigrants in Sweden that are prone to violence.

Wow, you seriously don't see that Swedish media hides and tries to whitewash (skönmåla) immigrant crime? The reason that Cologne got so big in media was because it was covered up by the Police in Germany and right-wing blogs had to dig up the truth until mainstream media picked it up.

And the assaults by immigrants at the festival in Stockholm last summer is documented to be covered up by DN, our biggest newspaper in Sweden. The only reason it was brought up now is because of all the attention to Cologne and the following discussion about Police cover-ups and censorship in many Western countries.

Yeah, nazi-racists have sentiment towards children. I didn't claim that in my post though, but sure, I actually think racists often have quite noble values towards family, children, nature and animals. Much much much more sentiment than some foreign cultures display, for sure.

The problem with nazi-racists I think is not only that they're prone to violence but mainly that they're totalitarian like you say, they want to control society and crush democracy. I'm totally against that, I hate totalitarian ideology.

Why are you lying about Cologne? "criminal groups"? That's an utter lie. It was text messages sent from one immigrant to the other, and thousands of immigrants just hopped on. In Sweden, in Finland and in Germany and many other countries. Criminal groups instigated the immigrants to sexually assault at that Stockholm festival too?

Wow, I'm getting angry now. You seriously don't draw any conlusions when you see these patterns where thousands of men from certain cultures are behaving in a certain way, that perhaps there's a difference in values? That we're talking about behaviour thats is far more more common and actually fairly representative for the average, than it's comparable to fringe phenomenons like European nazis.

Why do you try to whitewash them? Does your rosy world fall apart if the truth is that men from the Middle East largely have a chauvinistic view towards women and that many of them are egoistical and lack compassion?

First of all its quit clear which political party you vote for in Sweden. Swedish democrats, has its rots deep within racist groups in Sweden, if not please tell me. I mean you seem to see threw all the white washing. And before you go all balistic on me. Can you kindly tell me what ethnicity the girl had, you know the one that got killed this week? Because clearly the only victism here are Swedish ethnic people.

Now that beeing said, what amazes me is you only speak about the "kids" etc. You dont mention that Sweden cant take more refugees. And you dont mention that 80 000 out of the 120 000 might egt deported. Now you seems smart, dont take this the wrong way or as we say in Sweden "Missuppfatta mig rätt". No one here want that kind "stuff" on the streets, I think you and I and most people here can agree on that, right? (you know young kids runing around robbing etc.) But to out right blame every none ethnic Sweden for majority of the crimes is just a pure lie. Just look at what happened this week. You cant justify that, imaging every crimal gang going balistic on the street rufely 5000 people.

Another problem: integration
Now when does a immigrant become an Swede? Tell me please? I have friends with diffrent backgrounds from all over the world. They never get accepted as Swedes. Might I mention that none of them have a criminal background or commited a crime unlike the ones we see/mentioned in media (certianly Swedish ethnic and others ethnic groups). They all have university degrees (that doesnt mean that someone is better etc). In Sweden and Europe thier is a certain way of thinking of people regarding diffrent ethnicities or as Malcom X said "A nigger is allways a nigger".

My idea, School whit SFI and internship (praktik via AMF), demand they learn the Swedish and the socialcodes. You will be surprised how many want to. . If they dont want to, Good bye mate! Plain and simple.

What is the best solution? You guessed it right, stop taking refugees. My idea is let America and its allies solve this, not us Sweden we have done enough dont you think? We have taken in to many immigrants so we can intergrate them. What amazes me is that American wasted 4 trillion dollars to kill Saddam. Holy f**king sh*t! And in the same time screw up the world economy. But no one talks about George Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney etc theese are the true villians. And dont take this the wrong way, but theese white imperialist have literally f**ked up the world. Are they in any way worse then terrorists? Nope!

I tell you what, Saddam would never let ISIS/Bin-ladin do this under his control and neither would Bashar Al-Assad. But Americas only purpose as you and I know it was to distablize the hole region and to get cheap oil. Dived and conquer my friend. In the end its all about money.

Of course I'm a Sweden Democrat. Yes, they were somewhat racist in the past, but first and foremost they were nationalist.

What do you mean by white-washing? Because I objected towards Puppyroach's claim that "racists" also are nasty against women and children?

The 22 year old woman that was killed by the Somalian refugee, she was a Lebanese Christian I think. What does that have to do with anything?

You say "But to out right blame every none ethnic Sweden for majority of the crimes is just a pure lie.". Now you are lying, man! I didn't say anything like that. What I am saying is, is that many of the refugees that come to Sweden belong to cultures that are chauvinistic towards women and that are much more prone to violence - meaning that less provokation, frustration, or whatever triggering factor is needed for them to resort to violence, than what is needed for a Swede to commit violence. The threshhold for violence is dangerously low, and that's a problem for society. Especially for a soceity and culture that is so sensitive and defenseless as the Swedish.

About deportations, I don't get the point. Could you explain what you mean?

I disagree with your analysis on integration. The main problem is with foreigners who won't integrate. Yes, Swedish social codes are weird and hard to learn, and it's hard to become friends with Swedes because we're playing theater, but there's so many factors that compensate for this. For example, most employers are willing to give a foreigner a chance even if it's apparent that he lacks the qualifications for a job. I see it all the time.

Swedes have the mentality that it's Sweden's fault that immigrants can't integrate. So much self blame. It's ridiculous and I'm sick and tired of this debate that has lasted for at least 30 years.

Yes, like you say. Shut the border, problem solved.

I agree that it's strange that USA doesn't do more. It's a huge country with a tough, strong culture, strong self-confidence about its position, and has a determined police force. USA has shown time and time again how excellent it is to take in and assimilate foreign people. Not sure what Americans think of this, but I think the USA has capacity to receive a large part of these refugees.

"Of course I'm a Sweden Democrat. Yes, they were somewhat racist in the past, but first and foremost they were nationalist."
Gottcha you! :)

About White-washing:
Wow, you seriously don't see that Swedish media hides and tries to whitewash (skönmåla) immigrant crime?"

So your true purpose is to say that most crime (se below) are in fact being commited by immigrants and media is white-washing it. Your own word literally.

About immigrants and crime, your own word:
"small percentage"? No, it's a large percentage of immigrants in Sweden that are prone to violence.

Wow, you seriously don't see that Swedish media hides and tries to whitewash (skönmåla) immigrant crime?"

Now if the number is large how large is it? Is immigrants commiting more crimes then Sweds, if so how much? You said they where commiting violence and then later that most crimes is commited by immigrants. Its not like your infront of a court for beating a woman saying "I didnt know I couldnt use violence on X gender/race because I didnt know its a crime" See my point? Especially in this case since its a crime they have commited with violence or havent the immigrant commited a crime since they only used violence? So are you saying that the somali dude just acted out violence and killed the Lebanese woman was not a crime? Please clarify.


I disagree with your analysis on integration. The main problem is with foreigners who won't integrate. Yes, Swedish social codes are weird and hard to learn, and it's hard to become friends with Swedes because we're playing theater, but there's so many factors that compensate for this. For example, most employers are willing to give a foreigner a chance even if it's apparent that he lacks the qualifications for a job. I see it all the time.
Not really its quite the opposite Swedes dont want to live close to immigrants, hence the Swedish Democrats. And they dont want to hire them i hear this at work all the time, even after 6 months of internship (free work). Why do have so many dentist, enigneers etc working as cleaners, at pizzieras, taxi drivers? If you want to integrate people we need a system for it. But we, me and you Swedes are afraid of immigrants, but we can eat thier kebabs and pizzas. Se now the problem here is how do we integrate them and get them to work and get them to pay taxes instead of the opposite. If you been a Dentist Iraq let them "praktisera" as a dentist in Sweden and learn the rest (teory lessons) in school. I dont think being a dentist in Iraq is hard then being one in Sweden, acctually the opposite. Or are they just taking our jobs? What stopping us really? We need good engineers, let them praktisera. Give them a chance, we are allready paying for them. Två fluggor i en smäll!


About deportations, I don't get the point. Could you explain what you mean?

If thier are seeking or have an assylm and commite a crime send them back. 

The 22 year old woman that was killed by the Somalian refugee, she was a Lebanese Christian I think. What does that have to do with anything?
Alot! My point is even none sweds gets killed/robbed etc by immigrants not just Sweds, it is not rational thinking. You only telling half of the thruth. And you dont see a majority of Lebanese people wondering around beating Somalis? Since Lebanese/middle-eastern are immigrants they are prone to more violence!

I agree that it's strange that USA doesn't do more. It's a huge country with a tough, strong culture, strong self-confidence about its position, and has a determined police force. USA has shown time and time again how excellent it is to take in and assimilate foreign people. Not sure what Americans think of this, but I think the USA has capacity to receive a large part of these refugees.
Something we agree on, but you dont see my point. This is, believe it or not what America wants, to confuse everyone. Södertälje has taken more refugees from Iraq and Syria then hole America. Thats screwed up. As you mentioned America is better to assimilate then Sweden. Why? Because when you get an American citizenship you become American and they hire Dentist/doctors from Iraq.  I have customers (work in ICA) some of them are Syrian/Assyrian/Iraq refugees I speak to them alot. They all say the opposite of what the media want us to believe about Bashar Al-Saddad and Saddam (but they agree they where controlled regims) but they gave education, safety to everyone regardless of religion or ethnicty. Not what we see today with ISIS. None of this would have happen if Saddam would have been killed. Saddam was rotten, but America helped him take power, same thing with Irans leader, Egypt and Morrocos. See where iam going with this? Theese are all the areas with problem, wonder why. Its not about helping its about money. And they (capatalism) dont give a damm how many people has to die (1,5 million Iraqies has died since the invasion of Iraq). According to my customers (Syrian/Iraq) where safe countrie. But the people werent ready for democracy and they stilla arnt, just look at Iraq. I call it a climate/ideology war. But there where extremist groups (like the one we saw in Stockholm) a small group how ruined it for everyone and they saw thier chance when America invaded Iraq especially in Syrian. We have alot of Engineers, dentists, doctors etc from theese countries.    

I understand your reactions. Most people do react this way and its your human right to do so. But we cant let fear or fascist control a counrty. We have great resources (talking about our walefare system its bascially free) in this country. I meet a customer today he used to have his own dentist clinic i Syrian his been in Sweden for 3years not a single f*ck was given to help him to pursue a jobb as a dentist in Sweden. His applying everywhere no one is helping him. There should be a system!