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TheGreatGamerGod said:

I think one thing we don't talk about with piracy is actually the positives it can have. I was burned out on Far Cry by the time 3 came out, after saying no more playing the awful Wii one and having skipped 2 entirely, my friends kept telling me how amazing 3 was, so knowing I'd never buy it even at discount I looked for a demo, couldn't find one so I yarr'd it, played it for two hours, fell in love with it and bought it new off Amazon for console and a Steam copy too along with the dlc. I bought Blood Dragon on launch day as well as 4 and all it's DLC which I had for console and then recently picked up the DX edition on Steam. Heck, I already pre ordered Primal. What I'm saying is, while I wouldn't do that anymore quite often people use torrents and piracy because the developers don't put a demo out.

Positives? This kinda mindset is just flat out wrong. 

No. No. No. No. And no. 

Not a single soul alive that talks about the positives of piracy would be saying the same thing if they spent the last 2-3yrs of their lives making a game only for it to get pirated by 10 people not to talk about by millions of people. 

This is how I see piracy. Yes. it's easy to say not everyone that pirated a game would have bought it, but that's a really twisted way to look at the problem. How about we look at it like this. How many people that could have bought it didn't cause they could pirate it?

Say a game sold 1M copies. and was pirated 2M times. For me, if not being piratable meant that it could sell 10k more copies than it did, is a win. 

I'll say again, not a single living soul will say they are ok with piracy is they were the ones making these games.