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So I talked one of my best friends since middle school into getting an X1.  It started out as a joke, but before I knew it he had made up his mind to get one.  I am riddled with guilt over this as I know he will hate me when he sees how much it pales compared to the PS4...


I even played on his emotions.  He was not a fan of Infamous, Until Dawn, or any of the various JRPGs exclusively on the PS4 and he is even starting to question Uncharted 4.  I told him the X1 might be more suited to his tasts (he obviously has none) and compared and contrasted the two for him.  Instead of Infamous, we would have been playing Titanfall.  Instead of Little Big Planet, we would have been playing Sunset Overdrive or Halo MCC.  Things would have been dry for a while but eventually we would get Gears UE and Halo 5.  He does not like Tomb Raider or racers, but he is a Gear head.  Then I went on about Rare Replay and the classics we grew up on.  Next thing I know he was sold.  I didn't even stop there!  I went on and on about Gears 4, Quantum Break, and Crackdown 3 coming this year as well.


I didn't intend for it to go this far.  I toyed with his emotions when ge was vulnerable and it went way too far.  He is about to make the bigest mistake of his life and it is all my fault.  Am I a bad person?


While everything I said is true, this is satire

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-5643-2927-1984

Animal Crossing NH Dream Address: DA-1078-9916-3261