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Boskabo said:
Conina said:
AEGRO said:

I joined this site on 2014, so im not aware of the 7th Gen situation.

Since the beginning of the 8th Gen, ive been noticing that Sony is more open to share numbers than the rest of the Big 3 so i cant complain from what ive seen so far.

Sony is more open to share numbers as Nintendo???

Nintendo is the only of the three who keeps its numbers transparent, even if they are not in their favor.

To be fair Nintendo can't hide their numbers. It's basically the entirety of their financial results. If it ever came to that, the Kyoto company might as well directly announce their bankruptcy.

On an unrelated note, Sony must be mad to to hold on to their previous forecast. To fulfil their FCT they only need to ship another 2.1m consoles in Q4, whereas they sold 2.4m the same quarter last year... At a higher price and with a sparser release schedule. Street Fighter V is going to have a significantly bigger impact than the Order and Bloodborne had combined. For the April releases (U4, R&C) retailers also have to build inventory before the quarter ends, so some of that will impact Q4 2015 rather than Q12016.


The reason might be the almost 2m ps4 already bought by retailers so they might want to get than down maybe 500k. So that's a minus 500k straight away plus uncharted which was going to be a big seller in March is now the quarter after.  


They probably will still beat it just not by too much.