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Cloudman said:
ninjapirate42 said:

Here goes!

11) Mortal Kombat II

12) Contra III

13) Secret of Mana

14) Turtles in Time

15) Super Mario World

16) Mega Man X

17) F-Zero

18) Donkey Kong Country 3

19) Super Castlevania IV

20) Super Mario Kart


I could definitely go to 30 and still have crazy quality titles!

Here goes my improv 11-20

11. Super Bomberman 3

12. Megaman 7

13. Super Gussun Oyoyo

14. Sailormoon

15. Final Fight 2

16. Mario Kart

17. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

18. Final Fantasy 6

19. Donkey Kong Country 2

20. Super Parodius

I could almost fill a list based off Mega Man X and DKC alone! So many good sequels of games on the SNES.