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SpokenTruth said:
DonFerrari said:
SpokenTruth said:
DonFerrari said:

You think Nintendo can have 20 consecutive failed generation in both fields they have products and nothing would really happen?

And you still complain of people that think Sony is in a better situation because Playstation is in a strong position or that Nintendo is in a bad situation because 3DS underperformed and WiiU plummeted?

20 years or generations?  Failed products or failed financials?

And you fail to grasp what I'm saying and instead put what you want me to say. 

Miss read the year. But okay that would make 4 generations... Do you think having 5 failed generations would make failed financials? Or do you expect nintendo to survive 20 years by making bigger and bigger bloppers?

Sony survived 10 years of financial problems, but it wasn't exactly all their products failing in the market, was much more failure on administrating costs.

Or do financial problems come on a vaccum? Or I should say you want to put things only in a light that make you satisfied?

Why are you presumming something I never said based on your error?  I really shouln't even need to answer your first question because you know good and well the answer. 

Do you consider the Wii U and 3DS failed products?  If so, then how the hell are they currently making a profit?
That said, you can also have successful products and still take major losses?  PS3 was successful and their gaming division was often taking large losses. 

No, financials don't exist in a vacuum but they aren't polarized as success = profit and failure = losses either.


More like Amiibo has helped bridged themselves to a bit of a profit.

So yeah they are failed products.