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thranx said:

take your pick from those, or show me some that have come true i'm open for that

that one sums up a few

Were any of these predictions published in any peer-reviewed journals?

thranx said:

I dont see global travesty, i dont see coastlines reciding. OUr time to act has passed according to global warming alarmist.

You'll be happy to know alarmism and just the same, denialism can both be disregarded safely. Neither of them are a substitute for good scientific research published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

thranx said:

Find me a global warming prediciton that has happened, im all for it.

Here is an article published in the American Meteorological Society in September 2008: . It takes a look at a number of articles that predicted global temperatures from 1965 to 1979. Some papers predicted cooling, some were neutral, but the overwhelming number of papers predicted global warming. It seems average global temperatures are indeed steadily climbing as the NOAA attests: