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Sharpryno said:

 know why he filed for bankruptcy...but to do it 4+ times is just sad that he had to resort to it.   

And is still worth upwards to 10 billion dollars?  Such is business.

Sanders wants healthcare for everyone with no ridiculous deductibles or insurance companies who solely exists to but profit above people.  Even your employer would pay less.  Sanders also understands Big Pharma is ripping people off in this country and will end it.   Cheaper education, investing heavily in better infrastructure, 90 days of paid family leave to be with your newbown, breaking up the banks that are too big to fail, taxing wallstreet (who taxpayers bailed out in 08' and have gotten nothing back from them) as well as preventing the US from deploying ground troops.  
Such crazy ideas man...Your fellow countrymen should help each other out.  No one should have to go into debt for needing cancer treatments, absolutely no one.  If you think any of those is impossible or not useful,  then you are part of the problem. 

You have Sanders who has been saying the same thing for decades.  Amazing how the things he preached against have came true and screwed our society (corporte power over government).   Clinton or Sanders will be the next president; that is simply a given.  


Just because he's been "saying the same thing" for decades does not mean that his ideas aren't wrong.  The manner in which he is explaining his ability to pay for everything essentially revolves around the notion that "He's going to close all those tax loop holes" and make billionaires pay all the money they are stealing.   I'm sure he'll find the way that every other politician has failed to find!

Sanders sounds just like every other politician before him.  Huge promises.....minimal payout.  Period.  

What's wrong with working with some of the tech giants to restrict terrorists form of communication?
That is not how the internet works, you cannot just pick and chose and there are plenty of ways around DNS blocking.  He hasn't a clue as to how the internet works and thinks America owns it for some ignorant reason.  

He never said anything specific such as DNS blocking.  It's most certainly plausible to shutdown a vast majority of the internet of problematic locations (Say Syria) and isolate the remaining requests from satellite  sources.  Just because you herp derp around on a computer doesn't make you some savant.

Nobody in the US should be basing our political decisions based on what the 'rest of the world' wants us to select
When we have clowns like Trump and Palin making headlines, the rest of the world just sees us the strerotype "dumb American."  At least they believe Obama is a well-spoken and intelligent leader even when half of our country doesn't because the stereotype is someone true...

Yes, because Obama is so highly respected globally.  *Sarcasm*   Russia straight up seized a significant piece of soverign land with not so much as a single concern. China continues island building and expanding territory.  That's complete disrespect among Super Powers.   The world's opinion does not matter,  the world would just as soon see the United States turn into a third world country.    Why is that so hard to understand?    

Trump is fine (High estimated IQ)  and dumbs down his public appearances for the general public (Hence the Palin support).  He would easily get along with world leaders and demand respect.   Watch Trump in 2012

He's not a scientist, why would you care about his opinion on something so conroversial?
CO2 emissions are at an all time high.  If we care about the planet we will lower them through renewable energy housing and infrastrucutre.  Something Trump has never talked about.  Hell, he probably wants more government welfare and subsidies to go to the Oil companies.  

And AGW theory is still isn't completely proven and still with  flaws.  When the current President of the United States declares it the greatest threat for the future in the entire world on science and scientific models that are anything but resolved is completely hilarious and undermines the progress this country could be capable of making.

Trump paraphrased: "I would want all Muslims to register and sign up and be placed into a specific database."  Why would anyone vote for him? Its sad.  

 US Citizens are in databases already?  Hell, Obama re-upped the Bush Patriot act and expanded it.   What's your point?  The statement is moot because we're all being tracked currently.

I mean Trump literally said he could shoot someone and not lose supporters.  That shows nothing but his narcissistic attitude, how little he cares about his supporters and how uninformed he thinks his supporters are. 

 He was speaking at a campaign rally,  to a crowd of his supporters and eluding to how rabid,great and devoted his supporters were.  Read less Huffington Post and stop looking for reasons to be outraged.   I'm more concerned that Sanders can't even control his own campaign rally, or is a card carrying member of the socialist party.

Sanders would annihilate Trump in the GE.  With Clinton it would be closer, but she'd still win easily.  

Wayyyyyy too early to establish GE numbers.

Sanders hasn't been treated like a real candidate yet, once he gets forced to explain how he will pay for all of his plans and gets identified for the socialist that he is,  we will see where his poll numbers fall.  Clinton is 100% going to get the nomination unless her scandals catch up to her and she is neck and neck in most polls against Trump.