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KLAMarine said:
Eddie_Raja said:
KLAMarine said:
Eddie_Raja said:
KLAMarine said:

Eddie_Raja said:

Not sure why you keep denying that the massive size of Sony/MS gives them armor.

Because WHEN YOU DO THE MATH using OP's figures, you'll see Sony's armor is not as thick as you think.

Let's do the math using the following formula:

cash and short term investments + assets - liabilities - debts = "armor"


$7.6 billion + $11.3 billion - $1.5 billion - $103,000 = $17.4 billion


$15.7 billion + $132 billion - $107.6 billion - $18 billion = $22.1 billion


$96.5 billion + $176.2 billion - $96.1 billion - $7.5 billion = $169.1 billion

As one can see, Sony's "armor" is much much closer to Nintendo's "armor" than to Microsoft's "armor". Microsoft's "armor" is huge compared to Sony's "armor", they're not even comparable.

With that said, the problem for Sony is that Sony is a much larger company than Nintendo. Sony employs about 130,000 people ( ) while Nintendo employs about 4,000 to 5,000 ( , ).

Sony has more people on the payroll than Nintendo, they have more wages to pay, more facilities to pay for but only have about $4.7 billion more in "armor" than Nintendo and about $147 billion less "armor" than Microsoft.

The reasoning above is why in my opinion, Sony is the weakest among the three.


I'm not a business major so my opinion is rather worthless and if any business majors reading this post detect faulty reasoning in my logic, please let me know.

-My main point, from the get go is that Sony is not weaker than Nintendo longterm.  Your math proves that.

How does my math prove your main point?

At this point I have to wonder if you are just messing with me.  Your math clearly showed that Sony is worth more money overall.

I'm not messing with you. The fact that I bothered to do the math to support my statements will attest to that.

Eddie_Raja said:

Your math clearly showed that Sony is worth more money overall.

Eddie_Raja said:
SpokenTruth said:

I think the issue here is that you are looking at absolute values and he's looking as at ratios and percentages.


If that is the case, you are both correct in from those viewpoints.  The question then becomes, which viewpoint is actually a better indicator of corporate health and how well they could weather problems?

Which is why I have said several times that absolute value is more important in the case of disaster - that is one my main points.  Having the best Ratios is nice for investor meetings, but when the shit hits the fan what matters is how long can you survive hardship while you steer your company back on course.  Sony's (Too?) massive size allowed them to sell off nearly endless pieces of their business when some of their divisions were going through hard times.   If Nintendo were to be hit anywhere near as hard they would go bankrupt very quickly.

Sony has more employees than Nintendo. If we divide "armor" by employee size, we get the following:


$17.4 billion / 5,000 = $3,480,000 per employee


$22.1 billion / 130,000 = $170,000 per employee

What do you make of this? Who do you think might be able to hold onto their workforce for longer during times of crisis?

I certainly know who I'd rather work for.

Sony, is making profit once again, the Tides have changed, and thanks for their assets they are still alive, Mobile Division, lost 10 times less money on 2015, than on 2014, Video game profits and image sensor profits raised previous year, Predictions of Loss, became Profit, and hundreds of millions of Profit, PS4, will be the Market leader for all this generation, and Xbox One, will not even sell half of what Playstation 4, will.

Now, we will wait and see Nintendo NX, to see if Nintendo, will turn the things up, if you are arguing with Logic, and without Feelings, so you need to look to where those companies are headed for, we also have the "????????????" Factor, that the Playstation VR, can raise PS4 Sales, just like Motion Control, did for the Wii.

Sony, already had a lot of loss in the past years, and now is back up, Nintendo, cannot loss Money, other wise they would be in big trouble.