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AsGryffynn said:
DonFerrari said:
bunchanumbers said:
AsGryffynn said:


Alright, I'm gonna make this brief... Sony's not a beast. They are a company like all others... Any company can collapse if their cash is no longer there, so if I were you, I'd be more careful in what I say. It won't happen in the foreseeable future, but it can happen. Sony is very big and a console can't shield them forever. 

Consoles aren't even really a shield. Their big money is in their insurance and their banking. Sony could walk away from video games forever and not go bankrupt. 

The shield is the assets.

Makes sense to me...



The Link you provided me, had  Companies that lost money,  went bankrupt, and became big again, had companies that went bankrupt because had poor Work Conditions, and had companies that went bankrupt because they defrauded their Revenue, saying that they had much more than the truth, had companies that only were purchased by another, and had companies that went bankrupt, just because of changes of their country's law.

And most of those companies had how be purchased with 1 Billion of US$, so is useless those companies did not had the Assets, the Solid Market, and the Momentum that Sony, have.

Also you want to say that Sony, will break the laws and will go bankrupt even having a Revenue, bigger than 11 Billions of US$ with playstation ?.

Also, you did not answer my question before, so, if you think that Sony, can go Bankrupt even getting Billions with the Image Sensor, and Playstation, you also think that Netflix, can go Bankrupt, right ?, they have more liabilities than Sony, and only have a profit of 266 Millions of US$ per year, and one of their liabilities is Disney's licensing Fee, that is 200+ Millions of US$ Per year, so 1 market flaw and is the end for Netflix, while Sony's profit with Playstation, is much bigger, and is on the Multi-billion profit per year, with Hardware, and Software, of all the Playstation's systems.